Last but not least, the globalisation and capitalisation of the economy have turned the whisky industry into a truly
international industry. For example, many distilleries in Scotland are owned by American or Japanese companies.
Nevertheless, I felt the need to try and fit everything in some kind of logical system to help me make sense of it all.
One of those characteristics is the need for structure.
Unfortunately, the structure of the whisky world is not
based on logic or science; it has evolved over many years,
shaped by entrepreneurship, politics and public demand.
When I was young, autism hadn’t been invented yet - so at the time I was
simply labeled as “that weird kid”. However, as I grew older I discovered
some character traits in myself and family members that would
qualify as typical ‘autistic’ personality characteristics.
What’s more, they produce different whisky types in
different countries, according to different practices,
with different ingredients and under different laws.
The first chapter of this guide deals w
Do you know your hog much?
What is the pronunciation of distillery names like Aurned. >>>>>
The miracle of whisk(e)y distillation may (or may not) have
Like the name suggests, this is a 'BEGINNER'S GUIDE' - I've tried to keep things as concise & understandable as possible.Much more details can be found in the ADVANCED BEGINNER'S GUIDE - but that's not quite finished at the moment.
diAKTIE: 1 week van soberheid om iedereen te laten checken dat ze geen alcoholist zijn.
Individuele bloggers benaderen voor initiatief
Oct. 2?
June 26 - Zie
All these issues deserve further explanations - which will be added to this page shortly...
For now, the Beginner’s Guide is the only site section of Malt Madness that has been fully refurbished.
Uitleg Kininvie is een schuur bij Balvenie. Glengyle. Daftmill, Glencraig / SWA categories
malt whisky
grain whisky
bastard malt whisky
blended whisky
blended malt whisky
Granted, within trade blocks like the European Union more and more regulations are supra-national -
So, the category of spirits does not include ‘weaker’ drinks like beer or wine.
But is everything with an ABV of 15% or more a spirit? No - and because the scope
of Malt Madness doesn’t include spirits (at least not yet), I don’t feel a compulsion to
try and fit all spirits into a logical and seamless ‘system’.
If we want to look at ‘whisk(e)y’ in a broader perspective, we should also look at other kinds
of alcoholic drinks - or at least acknowledge their existence. For the purposes of MM, I will
make a distinction between beverages (drinks with ABV up to +/- 15%) and spirits with an
ABV of more than 15%. That’s a simplification though - there are stronger ‘beverages’...
The highest ABV an alcoholic drink can achieve by natural fermentation is near 15%,
although it can be cranked up to about 25% with special yeast varieties and techniques.
And of course the ‘natural’ ABV of a beverage can be increased artificially by adding
distilled spirits afterwards, like they do with fortiefied wines like port.
Check out the page about spirits if you want to learn more about the various other
spirits in the world. On this page we’ll sink one level lower to the whiskies & whiskeys
that make up just one category within the broader group of spirits and liqueurs.
When we start to look at whisky and whiskey, things become a little trickier...
Different countries spell ‘whisk(e)y’ differently, but that extra ‘e’ in American and Irish
whiskey does nothing for the flavour. However, national traditions and regulations
play an important role in shaping the profile of the product that ends up in your glass.
One might argue that the free flow of international capital makes borders obsolete,
but at the moment I don’t think that’s the case yet. Distilleries have to follow the laws,
rules and regulations that are usually defined by the national government. Due to
trade blocks like the EU there is some ‘globalisation’, but the production of local
‘delicacies’ like whisky is often regulated on a national or even regional level.
So, it makes sense to use the NATIONALITY of the distillery where a whisk(e)y was produced to distinguish
between Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey, American whiskey, Canadian whisky, Japanese whisky, etc.
That’s it for now - I will continue my reasoning shortly...