Welcome to the archives of the first 15 years of the malt maniacs, the group
of malt whisky lovers that evolved into an international whisky community
over the years. It all started in 1997 on the Malt Madness site, and until
2011 we wrote
over a thousand articles about whisky - and whiskey.
You can reach most E-pistles via the 'vintages' above. The buttons at
the left lead you to other information we've published over the years.
Monitor - About the Malt Maniacs Monitor (an overview of 13,000+ whiskies) with links to the PDF & Database.
Matrix - A page about the old Malt Maniacs Matrix (whiskies scored by maniacs) and a link to the last PDF.
MaltMenu - A big bunch of tasting notes for OB's. Please note that no fresh notes were added after 2011.
Specials - Even more of tasting notes for both official bottlings and and independent releases, up until 2011.
Lex-icon - The Lex-icon (last updated in 2010) with links to the GML PDF and to Lex's WhiskyLogs.
Books - A page with a selection of book reviews that we've published relatively recently - mostly by Davin.
Festivals - A page with an overview of a selection of reports on whisky festivals all over the world.
In 2012, yours truly (Johannes van den Heuvel) retired as MM editor.
But not to worry - on the new Malt Maniacs website the mission
the maniacs continues. Meanwhile, you can read about the first part
of our journey of discovery on these pages. Or rather, the first two
parts of that journey; Part 1 of the Archives covers 1997 until 2006,
while you can turn to Part 2 of the Archives (2007-2011) for the more
recent malt whisky publications. The latest stuff is on the new website.
Meanwhile, I have to admit that Part 1 of the archive is not completely
finished yet - it should take me a few more months to wrap it up neatly.
If I don't experience any more website crashes that is - the foundation for this site was laid in the 1990's - and it's starting to show.
Nevertheless, with this
0.5 version of 'The Complete & Definitive Malt Maniacs Archive' (1997-2011) I've already recovered a lot of
old material, including all E-pistles for 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 - and most other pages, including:
Manifesto - Our infamous manifesto. I haven't recovered the very first version yet, but this version 2.0 was mostly the same as the first.
Members - An overview of the 34 certified malt maniacs that were (active and less active) members of our group by the end of 2011.
Scores - Different thoughts on whisky scores and the practice of rating whiskies by over half a dozen different malt maniacs.
Awards - This site section has several pages in fact, including the results for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011.
All of the other stuff can be found in the archives - and the beginning and the end are already finishes.
However, there's still a 'big, gaping hole in the middle' where the last website crash did the most damage.
I hope to add the rest of our old articles in the coming months. I realise that the navigation through these
pages is not perfect, but I had to try and connect what's 'technically' two different, damaged websites.
So far, I've finished these issues and E-pistles: